Hello again
We have been offline for a while - travelling and all that jazz...we are now in Pula, the capital of Istria in Croatia....beautiful place...and hopefully a snapshot of what is to come. Spent today at the Roman Amphitheatre in town and then walking along the harbour and in and around town....not to mention the 3 kilometre walk from the hostel to town that we turned into something more like 10 kilometres! (one would think you could spot an amphitheatre for miles...but Jeff is shortsighted after all!)
The last few days have been a blur...saturday morning we ventured into unknown territory of London...east of Brick Lane and Liverpool Street....an adventure in itself...watched Josh play hockey and score 5 goals...his reward being to shout the whole team. Went back to the pub with the crew from the East London Hockey club including the manager Nick who was meant to be working for Royal Mail...posties around the world must all be the same hey??...at least he had his uniform on still to make it look like he was on official duties...they were a great gang of people and have promised to use their contacts in immigrati

Checked out Joshs pad and met his flatmates...a cool bunch of people..we then headed off to Brick Lane for a curry on our way to Sheperds bush - Tram was throwing a farewell party (she said it was because she had to move from the flat but we think it was more likely in honour of us...since we left london the next day). Once we ordered a curry got the word from Tram that she had cooked up a storm...alway the way. Curry good...thanks for the shout josh..much appreciated. Went to Trams and met a great crew...not least tony who is partially deaf and totally blind...and a great comedian to boot...for some reqason he rates NZ higher than Australia...

Finished up at 2.30am and somehow made it back to the hostel. Next day picked up the car and spent 2 hours trying to navigate our way out of London....a few stressful moments (read hours) later...we were heading towards canterbury. On the way Jeff asked for his glasses so he could see where he was driving only to be informed by stacey they were obviously lost.....she just doesnćt look hard enough.....not the last time on this trip she has sent Jeff crazy telling him things arent where they are meant to be...but thats another story.
Made it to canterbury in time for the end of the kent food fair festival...lots of drunk and happy english around...so we thought wed join them and ended up at a pub...old gate inn where we bunked down for the night....the remaining jet lag ensured we didnt get to savour the sunday roast on offer.
Hit canterbury the next day but didnt go to the cathedral...was not going to pay 7 quid each on our aussie dollar budget...so hit roman museum and chaucers canterbury tales...the latter is highly recommended even has jeff wanting to read the book ...reading fiction is not one of his general desires....

Afew laneway and seaside stop later we found ourselves at a pub in a little town in sussex called the queens head where we chatted to the local publican and hairdresser/crackpot (being 2 different people)...unfortunately they only had fish n chips on offer that night and we were stuck with it...it was nice enough though....all the people in the town are called rob by the way....
Noting we needed a place to stay the publican rang his mate Kerry (judging by his wealth i think he may be related to the packers)...who agreed to put us up in his bandb...claverston house for a mere 60 quid....enjoyed living the high life briefly but have since come crashing back to earth and reclaimed our rightful status staying at the local youth hostel

Tomorrow we pick up the car and hopefully remember to stay on the right side of the road.....
Jeff is happy that he started getting into shape before leaving- the croatian girls are kicking stacey out of the way to get to him....its been a hassle but one we can live with (this last sentence could also be interpreted as BS...you decide)