So, let’s wind back 24 – 36 hours ago. We had spent Tuesday night packing in a frenzy and making sure all was in order. Stacey had just got back from the doctor, who had warned her about flying on one hand and gave her strong drugs and a letter for travelling with the same on the other!
Wednesday morning came around and we were up and ready before 6.30, for Jeff to drive Stacey to work and then onto Camden for his own day of work. However, we did not make it out of the door – the chest infections and flu had taken their toll and we realised that we would not be able to survive a day at work and definitely not a 24 hour trip up the back of the plane if we had done so.
Wednesday turned into lying on the lounge watching quality tv, sleeping and seemingly inhaling and digesting every pharmaceutical known to man! At this point we were seriously thinking about postponing the trip to make sure we were well enough to travel.
A big thank you to Aharn Thai Shellharbour for Tom Yum soup for lunch and the feeling it (along with the Sudafed) gave us that made us feel like we were fine to go! So we packed the car and headed off to Camden to collect Jeff’s suit (apparently this is common clobber at Irish Weddings!).
We arrived at Fiona’s house before she had got home from work (yes a school teacher working in holidays – wonders will never cease!). Naturally, we made ourselves at home, and continued recuperation on her lounge, made some tea and plundered the pantry of biscuits.
When she came home, it was time to head to the airport, with the lure of a new terminal full of shopping and the comforts of the Q Club to look forward to. Checked in no trouble, although there were no upgrades despite our hopes! The new shopping at International Terminal is not much better as we discovered and we headed off to the Q Club for dinner and a shower. It was a long wait as our flight is the last one out of Sydney. Finally, we were called to board and our trip was about to begin!
We boarded the plane and found our seats. Then, the 4 words were spoken that have made this a great trip and a tribute to the professionalism and customer service of all involved. So – you probably want to know what those 4 words were?? Mmmm – trust me – they’re nothing special!
As we went to sit down, a flight attendant came over and said....drum roll...”You’re friends of Paul?” Closely followed by, “We’ve reserved some rows down the back for you – a row each so you can lie out and sleep! Ok – we didn’t admit that we do not know Paul, but we played along anyway. To put it into perspective, Paul is an attendant with Qantas, who plays golf and drinks with Stacey’s dad at Kiama Golf Club...that’s all we had for conversation with anyone that asked us that question from that point, but knowing that was enough!
So we had gone from being in 2 narrow seats to having a whole row of 3 to ourselves up the back away from the crowds. We were waited on by the supervisor Shane – nothing was a problem. We also acquired, from the big boss Marie, some bubbly from business class, along with a business amenity kit and pair of pyjamas each! They’re comfy things for sleeping in, but the big Kangaroo on the front of the shirt is a bit of a worry!
Finally made it to Hong Kong – second time we’ve been there – both times only to the airport! We should get out next time!
Spent some time in the Q Club as you do, knowing it was a full flight to old London Town. Time to board and line up as cattle once again – except this time there was a lot more cattle than the last flight...
Stacey goes first at the gate, and her boarding pass when scanned, unlike the others that went green, made the little reader bring up a scary red light! Looks like we’re not getting on??? No...of course not! Apparently, we’ve been bumped up to Premium Economy....score!! Thanks again Qantas!
We have been waited on throughout the flight by the 2IC from the Business Class cabin – Angie, who is a friend of Paul’s and likes to take care of other friends of Paul! So much so, we now have 4 x QF Pyjamas (going cheap – 2 new, 2 only worn once!) and 4 x business amenity kits. Oh, and she brought down some “Duty Free” (read 2 x bottles of French Champagne!)...What are we going to do with them??? Hmm...they probably don’t mix well with antibiotics – watch this space to find out!!
Well, it’s almost lunch time –again! Better be off and will post more over the weekend – since Stacey thought 3 days of 50k’s of bike riding is the best way to see the Cotswolds I’m sure there will be plenty of stories to tell!
If anyone wants the PJs, put in your bid below!
Finally, a big thank you to Barry – Stacey’s dad for having a few quiet chats with Paul over a few beers!
And to Paul – if you ever see this – we have four words for you: “Seeya at the golfy” (Our shout!)
P.S We are now at the hostel in West Ken just down the road from where we used to live, but at least our old place had a lift for Stacey's heavy suitcases! We're off now to get a sim card so we can send texts to you all!