Hello everyone and welcome to another chapter in our little trip. In fact, we’ve been so slack in writing the blog you’ve probably given up on looking out for it...if you ever were! So, may we apologise for the delay in getting another instalment to you. The last week has been adventure and fun filled and as such we will break it up into little segments.
What we will say is that this first chapter is being written as we sit in row 11 at the top deck of a QF 747, front row, just behind the pilot! We are like kids in a lolly shop after another upgrade by Qantas, this time from Premium Economy to Business. If the blog gets a bit tiring it’s because we have been travelling since 6am this morning (it’s past midnight as we type this) and we are ready to push some buttons and lay back in another set of Kanga Pyjamas on a nice flat bed!
Before we lose you in our excitement about the upgrade, we should talk about the last week.
As most of you would know, the main purpose of our trip, well really the reason for our trip (as we were not going OS this year), was to witness jade and Richard’s wedding in Co. Donegal Ireland...if witness is the right word!
After flying in to Dublin, we headed North West and seemed to zig zag in between the Republic and Northern Ireland without even knowing...there not being any significant signage or other markers, just a change from Kms to miles! We stayed in a little village called Clones after circling it for an hour. Was a good pub we found to stay at with friendly hosts and the start of way too many Irish Breakfasts!!
Thursday came round and we headed up to Ballyliffin, the scene of the wedding. It is quite easy to see why this place was picked. It is absolutely beautiful – you do not think of lovely beaches and coastline when thinking of Ireland, but this spot had it all!
To top it all off, because we were so far North, you could enjoy it until midnight, as that is when the sun finally went down!
So make use of it we did, not by going to the beach for a swim or a walk, but by hitting the golf club for a few pre wedding and catch up drinks with the bride and groom and other guests. The highlight being meeting Richard’s cousin Wesley who had such a thick accent we just nodded and said yes, even when it wasn’t appropriate – the same as we used to with our flatmate Damien). Luckily we had the famous Kiwi jade Hunt (as she was that night) to interpret for us!
We left early, around midnight, word is that some kept on going until around 3am! Then it was up and into the next town so Stacey could get some attention for her hair! The little 2 in 1 shampoo Jeff had wasn;t good enough – she needed a hairdresser to wash it for her!! Back to Ballyliffin and time to get ready, on with the best clobber, the stuff we looked at in our bags wondering why were we carrying this stuff we’re only going to wear once. Lucky we did, otherwise we wouldn;t’ve been let into the nice very posh place the wedding was being held.
We arrived to find the locals enjoying a pint or 2 before the ceremony and decided we better do the same! Just as we started on our 1st drink, an announcement was made that the ceremony was about to begin!
We all piled into a lovely room overlooking the ocean and watched as Richard and his groomsmen shared a few nervous laughs, waiting for Jade to arrive. Finally, led by her bridesmaids she made a grand entrance into the room looking stunning in her dress and with a big grin...but not the cheesy type she is known for!
The celebrant, Brian, made for an entertaining ceremony and it was quite fitting. Before too long, after a lovely rendition of “Something” and a few readings and vows, Miss Tenille was now a McKean! Off to do the photos, followed by some more drinks.
Dinner came around quickly. We sat with a couple of irish fellas who were a barrel of laughs plus the brother and sister in law of the best man and Ed, the only other aussie there. Catriona was the other guest and she chose some mysterious clobber...she kept to herself and didn’t say much, though Ed stole a kiss.
Before too long and it was speech time. Without causing offence to anyone who may read this blog, we both thought that Jade’s mum’s speech was a winner! Straight from the heart, delivered with poise and pride in her family, including the new addition, Mr McKean. Dances begun, with the first dance as husband and wife...I think it may have been practiced...otherwise they’re just naturally gifted!
The band at the wedding was magic and had us all up dancing away to all types of tunes..though Jeff thinks Johnny Cash songs were the winner. There was even a song by some old time Kiwi band – The Exponents!! If they were any good I’m sure Australia would’ve adopted them...the song did bring out some moshing which is always good at a wedding! As all this was going on and when he wasn’t up on the floor, Jeff was losing cider after cider and with the assistance and encouragement of Uncle Don (who he had a good chat to), he replaced each one without cost. There was one that he “lost” and then found again after getting a replacement. Apparently a few people, like Rachel and Stacey to name a few were watching this episode of the night and finding it amusing!
We must’ve been having a good time because before we knew it the band was playing the first of the last songs and it was close to 2am in the morning. It was just after this point that Jeff and Kimmmie conspired to travel to palm Beach when back in Oz to stalk the Home and Away crew! After the last song we all just sat back and chatted and enjoyed a few more relaxing drinks. Then we moved onto the next bar in the resort.
We left early just after 3am to stumble up to our hotel, whilst the rest of the crew stayed back – some even walked up to one of the houses 40 mins away to continue on and finished up at 6-6.30 in the morning! Must’ve been the influence of that man Pete – he’s a legend! Apparently the girls didn’t like walking back and made Craig run back to his car and come back and pick them up!
We had to go back to the resort the next morning to see if Jeff’s sunglasses were there (what would a trip be without him losing something?) As we went back and found the sunnies – they were handed in – we spent the next few hours chatting to the newlyweds and family and friends, in the beautiful sunshine looking over the beach.
Sadly it all had to come to an end and we said our goodbyes to all and hope to catch up with everyone soon. We had a great time and met excellent people...a big thank you to the Irish crew at our table and Uncle Don and Peter and David especially for making us feel so welcome and being so friendly...reallly appreciated. Also good to meet some more Kiwis and it must be said that all are a great crew,
Till next time...
Hello everyone and welcome to another chapter in our little trip. In fact, we’ve been so slack in writing the blog you’ve probably given up on looking out for it...if you ever were! So, may we apologise for the delay in getting another instalment to you. The last week has been adventure and fun filled and as such we will break it up into little segments.
What we will say is that this first chapter is being written as we sit in row 11 at the top deck of a QF 747, front row, just behind the pilot! We are like kids in a lolly shop after another upgrade by Qantas, this time from Premium Economy to Business. If the blog gets a bit tiring it’s because we have been travelling since 6am this morning (it’s past midnight as we type this) and we are ready to push some buttons and lay back in another set of Kanga Pyjamas on a nice flat bed!
Before we lose you in our excitement about the upgrade, we should talk about the last week.
As most of you would know, the main purpose of our trip, well really the reason for our trip (as we were not going OS this year), was to witness jade and Richard’s wedding in Co. Donegal Ireland...if witness is the right word!
After flying in to Dublin, we headed North West and seemed to zig zag in between the Republic and Northern Ireland without even knowing...there not being any significant signage or other markers, just a change from Kms to miles! We stayed in a little village called Clones after circling it for an hour. Was a good pub we found to stay at with friendly hosts and the start of way too many Irish Breakfasts!!
Thursday came round and we headed up to Ballyliffin, the scene of the wedding. It is quite easy to see why this place was picked. It is absolutely beautiful – you do not think of lovely beaches and coastline when thinking of Ireland, but this spot had it all!
So make use of it we did, not by going to the beach for a swim or a walk, but by hitting the golf club for a few pre wedding and catch up drinks with the bride and groom and other guests. The highlight being meeting Richard’s cousin Wesley who had such a thick accent we just nodded and said yes, even when it wasn’t appropriate – the same as we used to with our flatmate Damien). Luckily we had the famous Kiwi jade Hunt (as she was that night) to interpret for us!
We left early, around midnight, word is that some kept on going until around 3am! Then it was up and into the next town so Stacey could get some attention for her hair! The little 2 in 1 shampoo Jeff had wasn;t good enough – she needed a hairdresser to wash it for her!! Back to Ballyliffin and time to get ready, on with the best clobber, the stuff we looked at in our bags wondering why were we carrying this stuff we’re only going to wear once. Lucky we did, otherwise we wouldn;t’ve been let into the nice very posh place the wedding was being held.
We arrived to find the locals enjoying a pint or 2 before the ceremony and decided we better do the same! Just as we started on our 1st drink, an announcement was made that the ceremony was about to begin!
We all piled into a lovely room overlooking the ocean and watched as Richard and his groomsmen shared a few nervous laughs, waiting for Jade to arrive. Finally, led by her bridesmaids she made a grand entrance into the room looking stunning in her dress and with a big grin...but not the cheesy type she is known for!
The celebrant, Brian, made for an entertaining ceremony and it was quite fitting. Before too long, after a lovely rendition of “Something” and a few readings and vows, Miss Tenille was now a McKean! Off to do the photos, followed by some more drinks.
Dinner came around quickly. We sat with a couple of irish fellas who were a barrel of laughs plus the brother and sister in law of the best man and Ed, the only other aussie there. Catriona was the other guest and she chose some mysterious clobber...she kept to herself and didn’t say much, though Ed stole a kiss.
Before too long and it was speech time. Without causing offence to anyone who may read this blog, we both thought that Jade’s mum’s speech was a winner! Straight from the heart, delivered with poise and pride in her family, including the new addition, Mr McKean. Dances begun, with the first dance as husband and wife...I think it may have been practiced...otherwise they’re just naturally gifted!
The band at the wedding was magic and had us all up dancing away to all types of tunes..though Jeff thinks Johnny Cash songs were the winner. There was even a song by some old time Kiwi band – The Exponents!! If they were any good I’m sure Australia would’ve adopted them...the song did bring out some moshing which is always good at a wedding! As all this was going on and when he wasn’t up on the floor, Jeff was losing cider after cider and with the assistance and encouragement of Uncle Don (who he had a good chat to), he replaced each one without cost. There was one that he “lost” and then found again after getting a replacement. Apparently a few people, like Rachel and Stacey to name a few were watching this episode of the night and finding it amusing!
We must’ve been having a good time because before we knew it the band was playing the first of the last songs and it was close to 2am in the morning. It was just after this point that Jeff and Kimmmie conspired to travel to palm Beach when back in Oz to stalk the Home and Away crew! After the last song we all just sat back and chatted and enjoyed a few more relaxing drinks. Then we moved onto the next bar in the resort.
We left early just after 3am to stumble up to our hotel, whilst the rest of the crew stayed back – some even walked up to one of the houses 40 mins away to continue on and finished up at 6-6.30 in the morning! Must’ve been the influence of that man Pete – he’s a legend! Apparently the girls didn’t like walking back and made Craig run back to his car and come back and pick them up!
We had to go back to the resort the next morning to see if Jeff’s sunglasses were there (what would a trip be without him losing something?) As we went back and found the sunnies – they were handed in – we spent the next few hours chatting to the newlyweds and family and friends, in the beautiful sunshine looking over the beach.
Sadly it all had to come to an end and we said our goodbyes to all and hope to catch up with everyone soon. We had a great time and met excellent people...a big thank you to the Irish crew at our table and Uncle Don and Peter and David especially for making us feel so welcome and being so friendly...reallly appreciated. Also good to meet some more Kiwis and it must be said that all are a great crew,
Till next time...