So, we have one of those problems that are pretty good ones to have!
We are eyeing off some travel in Oct/Nov, however we can't settle on a destination.
Jeff wants to go to Eastern Europe - to see if the Bureks are as good in macedonia as they are at Cringila. And, of course to enjoy the history and culture - and food(other than burek).
Stacey wants to go to Asia - mainly Cambodia and get some beach time as well..oh and buy shoes in KL!
So, this is where you come in. Add a comment with your choice. Should we go with Jeff's choice or Stacey's?
Looking forward to your comments.
We were going to do a poll but it seems that's been taken out of the "new and improved" look!
STOP PRESS....There is now a poll on the right hand side of the page. Click away - but also leave a comment - we need to be convinced!