Hi there Again,
Well our adventure in Croatia continues as it began..... interesting, exciting and full of challenges. The most notable challenge being that of mastering the roads. Our last entry left off with us going off to hire a car to begin our explorations further afield. We thought we were doing well as we got into the car, orientated ourselves to steering wheel, gear stick etc on the other side and used both sets of eyes to check before making turns. We have discovered that turning right is fine...its turning left that can be a bit hairy! Not to worry, at least we didnt reverse into a police car on our way out of the car park after picking up the car unlike the lovely lady at the boomgate in front of us who then waved us through ans proceeded to tailgate us out and away from the scene of the crime!..
First stop was Opatija, an opulent seaside town the playground for rich Austrians and Germans. Enroute the right side mirror mysteriously fell off (strange I know). We explored the town and had a lovely conversation with the car rental dude aftre we reported the damaged mirror as he decided to charge us for one day, close the rental agreement and then reopen it a higher rate. Then onto the beautiful islands of Cres and Losinj where we stayed for a couple of nights. Stace even had her first attempt at driving. Excerpt from conversation post stacey drive..

Stace: "now i know why you found it hard to judge the right side of the car"
Jeff: Now "I know why you were shitting yourself" (explain damaged side mirror!) The joys of it all!

We have experienced the whole range of driving conditions here in Croatia. From EU funded motorways, magnificent engineering feats of tunnels through mountains, rugged maintain goat tracks (mind you without barriers against the side of cliffs), driving on and off passenger ferries full of german holiday makers, winebagos and coaches to the confusing streets of inner city Zagreb. So far so good.... The adventure continues....

I understand your driving on the other side of the road confusion :) I understand it all too well