Wednesday, 8 October 2008

Why travel to Croatia?

A common question we have been asked before our trip and even during it is why are we travelling in croatia? Is it because we have croatian heritage? No...thats not it...Are we Deutschlanders coming back to our previous empire holiday retreat? No we have said a few times on this trip...No...non sprechen de deutsch we are AustrALian (as opposed to Austrians who ran Croatia for a while and do Sprechen de deutsch...thats "speak german")

No we came here for a few reasons...we didnt get here when we lived in the uk...and we heard that the coast was quite an attractive place, the food was good...the vino and pivo just as good, the girls good looking (that was staceys reason for coming here)....and we might pick up a few new words and tennis tips....

To prove a few of these points...take a look at these photos below. T>hey are from the last week of travel...starting in Pula and Opatija and then going across on a ferry from Brestova to Cres and onward to a little town of Velli Losinj where we basically had the hostel to ourselves...on another ferry to Krk Island (thanks for the tip Herbie) and then a big drive to Zagreb where we are today and will be for a few more days...the latter was navigated by stacey who sent us around the world via a little mountain town called samobor...why you ask_ She told Jeff it was a nice place according to the book....what she didnt tell him until we got there was that it had an even nicer cake called kremsnita (like a vanilla slice) and that was the real reason we were was worth the 2 dollars!

Anyway...we"ve had a request for more here they finally are...we will give a commentary in our next post tomorrow...the lack of internet access in the off peak season has caused our delays in posting....enjoy and dovejena (goodbye)

Above: Brestova Beach...well a little beach at the ferry port.....
Below: A happy but not yet fed for the day Jeff with Kalamar stuffed with pršut...or squid stuffed with ham. Not to mention the yum grilled vegetables.

Above: Stacey in the little town of Velli Losinj where we spent 2 nights...a colour coordinated effort by all. Not to mention staceys efforts at looking like shes in a mirror
Below: Eating like a local (either that or a tourist)...a big seafood lunch, beer and wine next to the water....we didnt finish it all.

Below (L to R): Krk Town on the island of Krk (original name) and Jeff protecting the local Pletnix girl"s modesty on the island of Krk (again...thanks for the tip herbie)..

1 comment:

  1. hi photos are great what a pretty place. sure tommy is ready for his big runs ,enjoy your stay. love mum
